Conviviality as Potentiality
From Amnesia and Pandemic towards a Convivial Epistemology
Conviviality as a social practice is characterized by an intrinsic dynamic. The global capitalist world and its processes of racialization and neocolonialism systematically oppose the possibility of conviviality, placing it in constant danger of dwindling or collapsing.
The aim of our work is to explore and develop artistic practices that have the potential to intervene in these disrupting dynamics. We start from the assumption that arts-based research can function as an affirmative transformative force to deepen and strengthen convivial practices.
The question of conviviality as potentiality will be researched in connection to relevant predicaments in five territories: Australia, Lebanon, Israel, South Africa and Austria. With local and international artists and research partners, this project seeks to co-develop a new definition and practice of conviviality as positive, affirmative action of doing in the form of changing.
Conviviality as Potentiality: From Amnesia and Pandemic towards a Convivial Epistemology is an interdisciplinary, arts and theory based research project, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, AR 679) through its Programme for Arts-based Research (PEEK), and is based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna from 2021 to 2025.
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