Citizen Science Project Update: MEMORY-LABS in May 2022

In May, the citizen science research project “Citizens’ Memories and Imaginaries: Democratic Citizenship” invited highschool students to conduct research at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. In three memory labs they worked on the topics of “Bürger:innenschaft” (citizenship) and “Gemeinschaft” (community).

In open discussions and with a mix of artistic methods – from rap to photography, drawing, image analysis and excursions into art history – students and artists together shared their knowledge on marginalization, participation and community and documented it in drawings.

School classes from BORG Guntramsdorf, HLW Biedermannsdorf and BRG6 Marchettigasse participated.

From the fields of art and research, the following took part: Assimina Gouma (University of Education Upper Austria), Ndidi J. Iroh (photographer, artist), Esra Özmen aka EsRAP (rapper), Bernhard Weidinger (Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance), Mirjam Wilhelm (Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies), Felix Deiters (artist, live graphic recording), Munar Khalid Biiq (intern), under the scientific direction of the project team Marina Gržinić, Sophie Uitz and Jovita Pristovšek (Artistic Research, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna).

The research project takes part in the OeAD’s Citizen Science Award 2022.