Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Studio für experimentelle Game Cultures
Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1. St.
1010 Vienna
Jill H. Casid (US)
Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe (AT/DC)
Margarete Jahrmann (AT)
Marina Grzinic (AT)
Opening words: Eva Maria Stadler, head of the Institute of Arts and Society (Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien); Vitória Monteiro (Geschäftsstelle ÖGGF – Österreichische Gesselschaft für Geschlechterforschung)

This symposium took place as a friendly collaboration of 2 institutions: the Angewandte and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, blowing the minds in ludic method, bodies in resistance and creativity, technology and machines.
In an increasingly digital and interconnected world, the intersection of bodies, technology, theory, and artificial intelligence (AI) presents an engaging and thought-provoking topic for a performative conference. This conference aimed to explore the connections between these domains and delve into their transformative potential for contemporary societies. Additionally, it sought to examine the power of civic resistance and the embodied fugitive intelligence of those made marginalized and outcast bodies, embracing how their resistance can align with new technologies and AI algorithms. It intended to delve into the ways in which marginalized bodies, historically framed as disposable and outcast, have employed embodied fugitive resistance as a means to survive and effect change. This means that the relationship between body and gender through technology and super-digitalized machines can also be a thought-provoking area of discussion. (Grzinic and Jahrmann)

This symposium was part of the Ludic Method lecture series. The symposium was supported by the research project Conviviality as Potentiality (2021-2025), funded by Austrian Science Fund FWF: AR 679.

Content and bios
Jill H. Casid
Trembling the Necrocene
Thinking with current art and activist praxis, they develop the potential of hymnal performance as a technology to convoke collectivities beyond identarian bounds and across earth, humanimal and plant bodies via the kind of lamentation that shivers materially in and out of the terrain of our dispossession.
An artist-theorist and historian, Jill H. Casid holds the position of Professor of Visual Studies with a cross-appointment in the Departments of Art History and Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. http://jillhcasid.net/about
Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe
The body beyond all boundaries
Tambwe’s work often revolves around the body as a site of expression, storytelling, and political resistance. She explores how the body conveys personal and collective histories and how it can be used to challenge social norms and power structures.
Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe (DIG UP Productions association) has lived and worked in Vienna since 2005. The reflection of her art is based on organic architecture and her choreographic work is essentially oriented towards the sensitive, respectively fragile dimension of the body. http://www.elitambwe.com/de/
Marina Gržinić
Convivial drama in the heart of necropolitics
Convivial drama at the heart of necropolitics refers to the exploration of cinematic performative expressions that challenge and subvert the oppressive forces associated with necropolitics. It proposes a form of filmmaking that aims to create spaces of convivial resistance, critique, and alternative narratives against the framework of necropolitics.
Prof. Dr. Marina Gržinić is a full professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, head of the Studio for Post-Conceptual Art Practices (PCAP, IBK). She is principal investigator of the art-based research project “Conviviality as Potentiality” (FWF AR679, 2021–25) and the Citizen Science project “Citizens’ Memories and Imaginaries” (FWF TCS 119, 2022–23). https://convivialityaspotentiality.akbild.ac.at/
Margarete Jahrmann
LUDIC Bridging. Role play, roles & gender switching
Margarete Jahrmann is a renowned scholar and artist who has made significant contributions to the field of AI and Game Art and Studies. Her work explores the intersections between artificial intelligence, games, and interactive media, and how these fields overlap and influence each other.
Univ.-Prof. Margarete Jahrmann, is the Head of the Department of Experimental Game Cultures at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and experienced artistic researcher. She is co-founder of the Ludic Society and since 2021 head of the newly established department for Experimental Game Cultures at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, where also runs a NEUROMATIC GAME ART LAB since 2020 and 2023 a BIOLUDIC LAB. http://www.margaretejahrmann.net