INTERSECTIONS OF CONVIVIALITY: VOICES OF COMMUNITIES FORUM 1: Marginalized Voices at the Forefront! Speaking up, Speaking out!

WHEN: June 14, 2024, 10 AM – 9 PM

WHERE: Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna, Freudplatz 3, 1020 Vienna, Research Centre IFIME

The forum “Intersections of Conviviality: Voices from Communities” examines conviviality as a potential within diverse communities within the neoliberal European landscape of Austria, the EU, and the global sphere. Within the complex fabric of contemporary society, we recognise places of shared humanity, resilience, and cooperation that deserve scholarly attention.

By including speakers from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, the forum aims to construct a narrative that celebrates the power of conviviality despite socio-economic and institutional barriers.

The forum strives to reflect on various marginalized communities in our society but also query critically the regime of whiteness.  The aim is to engage in discussions on institutional and structural racism, inequalities, and pathways to empowerment for Black and POC communities, Muslim communities, and others whose identities are shaped by factors such as migration, LGBTQI+ representation, etc. The forum will provide a platform for sharing stories and experiences, spotlighting resistance against homogenization, discrimination, and racism, and introduce examples of innovative solutions through community-led initiatives, emphasizing empathy and mutual support in nurturing convivial relationships illuminating the transformative potential of conviviality in addressing complex societal issues.

Conceived by Asma Aiad

Organized by Asma Aiad, Anahita Neghabat, Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek

As part of Conviviality as Potentiality: From Amnesia to Pandemic towards Convivial Epistemologies (FWF AR 679, 2021–2025).

Detailed program coming soon. Follow us!

Open to all, registration mandatory.

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