CONVIVIALITY IN PRACTICE: symposium, workshops, and talks in situ in SYDNEY, Australia,
September 23 – 27, 2024
From September 23 to 27, 2024, the Conviviality as Potentiality team will embark on a research trip to Sydney, Australia, as part of the Erasmus+ exchange, where we will be hosted by the Macquarie University, Australia. We will participate in the symposium, two workshops and talks in situ, focusing on questions of conviviality, community and culture.

We would like to thank Mag. Angelina Kratschanova, BA, EMBA, Head of International Office, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, for her support!
Special thanks to Suvendrini Perera, John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Curtin University, Australia, and Joseph Pugliese, Professor at the Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, for hosting us and organising the events!
23.09.2024, UNSW Kensington, Sydney: Participation in the Symposium

24.09.2024, Sydney: Field research
(Photo diary coming soon!)
25.09.2024, Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, Sydney: Participation in Workshop 1

26.09.2024, Redfern Community Center, Sydney: Participation in Workshop 2
In this workshop, we ask speakers to reflect on how the concepts of “safe” and “unsafe” can be weaponised by institutions to ensure the repression of staff dissent and how the neo-liberal university deploys corporatised understandings of “diversity” and “inclusion” as ways of continuing to control and reproduce its sanctioned forms of difference, while simultaneously vetting or repressing those who fail to align with its corporatised visions. We also ask speakers to share their ideas and tactics on how best to subvert and survive the repressive strategies that our institutions enact in order to ensure a compliant workforce and to reproduce the status quo.