WHEN: Monday, 21.10.2024 I 18:00
WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Exhibit Eschenbachgasse I Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Vienna
Exhibition Opening
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. Are We Too Muslim for This Country?”
This program takes place within the framework and in cooperation with the following projects and partners: FWF-PEEK AR 679 Conviviality as Potentiality, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; Muslim*Contemporary by Salam Oida; Coordination Office for the Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Salam Oida invites you to this year’s edition of Muslim*Contemporary, stepping into a world of fairy tales and dreams while raising profound questions about identity, belonging, and social participation. Through performances, exhibitions, and discussions, the festival amplifies the often-unheard voices of artists affected by racism and discrimination, bringing them into public spaces. Under the motto, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, are we too Muslim/too Black/too migrant for this country?” the festival critically examines structural challenges within Austria’s art and cultural sector. Together, we create spaces where dreams and desires can flourish and new narratives come to life.
MONDAY, 21.10.2024. I OPENING 18:00
Place: Exhibit Eschenbachgasse I Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Wien
Entry: 18:00 Start: 19:00
18:00 – Merhaba Ceremony & Welcoming ∙ Music
19:00 – Opening: Salam Oida & Curatorial Team
Opening Speech: Veronica Kaup-Hasler – Executive City Councillor for Cultural Affairs and Science∙Vice-Rector Mag.a Dr. Ingeborg Erhart ∙ Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marina Gržinić
Performance: “Quotenscheich, Wahlheimat & Wir Alle”* by Keyvan Paydar
Music: Qamareen
Food, Talk, Henna Art & Music
Please register under: www.muslimcontemporary.at
This year’s Muslim*Contemporary includes artistic works and contributions from:
Khalil Abuzaid | Asma Aiad | Edna Al-Najar | Kader Bağlı | Ertuğrul Bayraktar | Esma Bošnjaković | Nuray Demir | Lejla Dendić | Muhammed Dumanli | Rui Aziz & Müslüm Durak | Dilek Ergün | Erkenntnis & Klang | EsRAP | FLONA | Marina Gržinić | Mugtaba Hamoudah | Khashajar Hani | Aljeen Hasan | Tjaša Kancler | Eşim Karakuyu | Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç | Zahraa Khanafer | Eyup Kuş | Maggie | Sabrina Myriam Mohamed | Munira Mohamud | Alphonse Ndagijiman | Anahita Neghabat | Elvis Osmanović | Keyvan Paydar | Jovita Pristovšek | Qamareen | Negin Sadeghi | Dafina Sylejmani | Ümmü-Selime Türe | Nursema Yilmaz uvm.