Cooperation partners

Australia: Ass. Prof. Claudia Tazreiter (University of New South Wales, Department of Sociology and Anthropology), will contribute through her work on Indigenous and migrant politics and will facilitate the collaboration with local artists. She will organize a Convivial Study Class at UNSW and participate at the Convivial Research Meeting in Vienna.

Lebanon: Prof. Sari Hanafi (American University of Beirut, Department of Sociology), will assist with his expertise on political and economic sociology of refugees, sociology of migration, transnationalism, politics of scientific research, civil society and elite formation. He will organize a Convivial Study Class at Amer. Univ. and participate at the Convivial Research Meeting in Vienna.

Israel: To be established

South Africa: Ass. Prof. Nomusa Makhubu (University of Cape Town, South Africa) will contribute to a Convivial Study Class at UCT and participate at the Convivial Research Meeting in Vienna. She will connect live art as a question of citizenship through which to understand belonging and governance. She will also construct a format of learning in order to question social injustice.

Austria: maiz – autonomous center by and for migrants wo/men* (Dr. Luzenir Caixeta). Members of maiz will be part of a series of maiz Convivial Study Workshops in Linz and Vienna and participate at the Convivial Research Meeting in Vienna.
Affiliated national partners

Austria: Studio for Post-conceptual Art Practices [PCAP], at Institute for Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Austria: project “Smashing Wor(l)ds: Cultural Practices for re/Imagining & un/ Learning Vocabularies, ” a partnership led by Kulturen in Bewegung (Austria), part of VIDC, between Ujazdowski Castle Center for Contemporary Art (Poland), the Inna Przestrzeń [Other Space] Foundation (Poland), the Center for Fine Arts Brussels (BOZAR) with Africa Museum (Belgium); Kulturen in Bewegung (Austria) works with 4 subpartners: Afro Rainbow Austria [ARA], Queer Base, Silent University Graz, students of the Studio for Post-conceptual Art Practices [PCAP] at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.