A three-day exchange of knowledge between PhD students, postgraduates, and faculty members from two esteemed institutions: Linköping University, Sweden, and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria. PROGRAM: Monday, 25.11.2024 When: 15.15-17.00 Where: Lecture Theatre, K2, Kåkenhus, Norrköping OPEN LECTURE Necrospaces and Necrotemporalities in the Context of Capitalism and Migrations Visiting professor Marina Gržinić, Academy… Continue reading nov2024: conviviality erasmus plus & international workshop PhDs in philosophy 25-27/11/2024
LECTURE “Uncertain Times” by LAMIA JOREIGE
WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna I Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, 1st floor Atelier Süd (M1) WHEN: 18.11.2024, 17:00-19:00 LECTURE Uncertain Times Lamia Joreige Lamia Joreige will present her project Uncertain Times, which involves the research, writing and production of a body of works covering the period between the end of the Ottoman Empire and the beginning… Continue reading LECTURE “Uncertain Times” by LAMIA JOREIGE
oct2024: cumulative work of convivial positioning FWF-PEEK Project AR 679 in collaboration with Salam Oida and Mag. Dr. Ingrid Schacherl (Coordination Office for the Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity, Akbild)
“Conviviality and Artistic Practices: Transforming Archives, Identities, and Narratives” LECTURE, TALKS, PANEL, DISCUSSION. When: 21-30/10/2024 Organized by FWF-PEEK AR 679 Conviviality as Potentiality, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Muslim*Contemporary by Salam Oida, Coordination Office for Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Marina Gržinić, Asma Aiad, Ingrid Schacherl MONDAY… Continue reading oct2024: cumulative work of convivial positioning FWF-PEEK Project AR 679 in collaboration with Salam Oida and Mag. Dr. Ingrid Schacherl (Coordination Office for the Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity, Akbild)
CONGRESS PRESENTATION by Prof. Marina Gržinić at WAU Congress 2024, Johannesburg, South Africa 14/11/2024
World Anthropological Union Congress 2024 – Reimagining anthropological knowledge perspectives, practices, and power. WAU Congress 24, Johannesburg, South Africa (Misty Hills, Conference Center & SPA, Country Hotel), November 11-15, 2024 Congress presentation by Marina Gržinić as part of the Panel 51: Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction:… Continue reading CONGRESS PRESENTATION by Prof. Marina Gržinić at WAU Congress 2024, Johannesburg, South Africa 14/11/2024
LECTURE & TALK: Prof. Dr. RUHA BENJAMIN 30/10/2024
WHEN: Wednesday, 30.10.2024 I 19:00 WHERE: Hauptbücherei Wien, Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a, 1070 Vienna, Austria This program takes place within the framework and in cooperation with the following projects and partners: FWF-PEEK AR 679 Conviviality as Potentiality, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; Muslim*Contemporary by Salam Oida; Coordination Office for the Advancement of Women | Gender Studies | Diversity,… Continue reading LECTURE & TALK: Prof. Dr. RUHA BENJAMIN 30/10/2024
TALK & WORKSHOP on Nuray Demir, artist and curator, Berlin 28/10/2024 & COMIC WORKSHOP Storytelling as Decolonial Practice by Esma Bošnjaković 29/10/2024
* Nuray Demir böse blicke_n at Tanzquartier Wien on 29.10.2024 CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS! / ABGESAGT WEGEN KRANKHEIT! TALK and WORKSHOP on Nuray Demir, Berlinwith Muslim*Contemporary conceptualization. WHEN: Monday, 28.10.2024 I 17:00-19:00 WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna I Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, 1st floor Atelier Süd (M1) Nuray Demir is an artist and… Continue reading TALK & WORKSHOP on Nuray Demir, artist and curator, Berlin 28/10/2024 & COMIC WORKSHOP Storytelling as Decolonial Practice by Esma Bošnjaković 29/10/2024
TALK by Prof. Dr. FATIMA EL-TAYEB and PANEL on transformative archives 22/10/2024
WHEN: Tuesday, 22.10.2024 I Start: 17:00 WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna I Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Raum Sitzungssaal TALK AND PANEL This program takes place within the framework and in cooperation with the following projects and partners: FWF-PEEK AR 679 Conviviality as Potentiality, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; Muslim*Contemporary by Salam Oida; Coordination Office for… Continue reading TALK by Prof. Dr. FATIMA EL-TAYEB and PANEL on transformative archives 22/10/2024
Exhibition Opening MUSLIM*CONTEMPORARY 2024 21/10/2024
WHEN: Monday, 21.10.2024 I 18:00 WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Exhibit Eschenbachgasse I Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Vienna Exhibition OpeningMUSLIM*CONTEMPORARY 2024 “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. Are We Too Muslim for This Country?” This program takes place within the framework and in cooperation with the following projects and partners: FWF-PEEK AR 679 Conviviality as Potentiality,… Continue reading Exhibition Opening MUSLIM*CONTEMPORARY 2024 21/10/2024
Kollektive Verantwortung: Die Welt braucht uns! maiz 30-Jahre 5/10/2024
Kollektive Verantwortung: Die Welt braucht uns!maiz 30-Jahre WIEN: 17.09.2024 & 19.09.2024, Volkskundemuseum / WIENWOCHE Festival LINZ: 5.10.2024, Sonnenstein Loft & Stadtwerkstatt maiz – Autonomes Zentrum von und für Migrantinnen wurde 1994 in Linz gegründet mit dem Ziel, die Lebens- und Arbeitssituation von Migrantinnen und geflüchteten Frauen* bzw. FLINTA in Österreich zu verbessern, ihre politische und… Continue reading Kollektive Verantwortung: Die Welt braucht uns! maiz 30-Jahre 5/10/2024
RESEARCH EXCHANGE AUSTRALIA: Going to Sydney 23-27/09/2024
CONVIVIALITY IN PRACTICE: symposium, workshops, and talks in situ in SYDNEY, Australia,September 23 – 27, 2024 From September 23 to 27, 2024, the Conviviality as Potentiality team will embark on a research trip to Sydney, Australia, as part of the Erasmus+ exchange, where we will be hosted by the Macquarie University, Australia. We will participate… Continue reading RESEARCH EXCHANGE AUSTRALIA: Going to Sydney 23-27/09/2024