
convivial epistemologies.
fictional docu-research podcast series

2023-24 | Conviviality or …? | 6 Episodes

The podcast series Conviviality or…? delves into various thematic realms, including hospitality, community building, border regimes, migration, displacement, surveillance apparatuses, intersections of institutional racism, the regime of whiteness, activism, and community labor. Through this exploration, we aim to initiate processes of unlearning entrenched norms and practices—whether linguistic or institutional—to surface the way for more convivial modes of existence.

Episode #3 | Communities in Austria | 13/02/2024

Episode #3 (Season 3): Communities in Austria presents an online talk by Henrie Dennis, an art curator and founder of Afro Rainbow Austria (ARA), an activist working for the visibility, lives and realities of queer Africans. With Dennis, we discussed the intersection of institutional racism, the regime of whiteness, activism and community work. 

The recordings for this episode were produced during the Zoom talk on February 13, 2024, organized as part of the project “Citizens’ Memories and Imaginaries: Democratic Citizenship” (FWF TCS 119).

Podcast conceived and realized by the arts- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality. Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Sound effect: strong metallic blow by alebluhn32279410 — https://freesound.org/s/511633/ — License: Attribution 3.0

Convivial Epistemologies is a multi-part series of podcasts produced by the art- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality.

Published on: 10.04.2024

Episode #2 | Un-doing futures | 18/01/2024

Episode #2 (Season 3): un-doing futures presents two lectures by Claudia Tazreiter (Linköping University, Sweden) and Joshua Simon (Israel) discussing border regimes, migration, displacement and the surveillance apparatus.

The recordings for this episode were produced on January 18, 2024, at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The event was part of the lecture series Conviviality & Criticality through Contemporary Art and Fashion. Learning from the South, organized by the Institute for Art Teaching and Studio ART and INTERVENTION/Concept (PCAP).

Podcast conceived and realized by the arts- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality. Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Sound effect: strong metallic blow by alebluhn32279410 — https://freesound.org/s/511633/ — License: Attribution 3.0

Convivial Epistemologies is a multi-part series of podcasts produced by the art- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality.

Published on: 10.04.2024

Episode #1 | Muslim*Contemporary 3 | 6–12/11/2023

Episode #1 (Season 3): Muslim*Contemporary 3 presents the snapshots from the eponymous multidisciplinary, anti-racist, intersectional-feminist festival. The third edition of M*C reflects the history of people who live in Austria, migrated, fled, moved or came in Austria as “guest workers.” The festival deals with topics of hospitality, community building and representation as well as the inclusion of new perspectives in art and culture.

The recordings for this episode were produced during the third edition of Muslim*Contemporary, titled “From guests to hosts – was that unfriendly?!,” from 6–12 November, 2023. M*C is a project by Salam Oida, in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Shift and BMKÖS.

Podcast conceived and realized by the arts- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality. Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Sound effect: strong metallic blow by alebluhn32279410 — https://freesound.org/s/511633/ — License: Attribution 3.0

Convivial Epistemologies is a multi-part series of podcasts produced by the art- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality.

Published on: 10.04.2024

2023-24 | Conviviality on Site(s) | 6 Episodes

The podcast series Conviviality on Site(s) delves into specific sites associated with research territories. Drawing from encounters in South Africa, Australia, Israel, and back in Austria, we explore how the histories of these sites and the strategies of community building contribute to understanding their present and possible futures.

Episode #3 | South Africa→ AUSTRIA | 3/06/2024

Episode #3 (Season 2): South Africa → AUSTRIA presents the workshop Thinking through Cacophony: An Experiment in Sounding Our Different Knowledges with Thabang Monoa. This workshop aimed to reflect on how disparate knowledge systems and perspectives can come into contact with one another through cacophony and generate new insights and alternative interpretations of how to inhabit the world.

The recordings for this episode were produced on June 3, 2024 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, as part of the research exchange with South Africa, from June 3 to 8, 2024.

Podcast conceived and realized by the arts- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality. Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Convivial Epistemologies is a multi-part series of podcasts produced by the art- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality.

Published on: 25.08.2024

Episode #2 | Australia→ AUSTRIA | 18/04/2024

Episode #2 (Season 2): Australia → AUSTRIA presents an extract of a panel discussion Migration and Borders in the Globalised World: Living Together in Conviviality? with contributions by Marina Gržinić, Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Suvendrini Perera, John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus Professor at Curtin University, Australia, and Joseph Pugliese, Professor of Cultural Studies at Macquarie University, Australia.

The recordings for this episode were produced on April 18, 2024 at Tanzquartier, Vienna, during the panel discussion Migration and Borders in the Globalised World: Living Together in Conviviality? with Suvendrini Perera, Joseph Pugliese, Amani Abuzahra, Monika Mokre and Marina Gržinić as part of the research exchange with Australia, from April 15 to 20, 2024.

Podcast conceived and realized by the arts- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality. Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Convivial Epistemologies is a multi-part series of podcasts produced by the art- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality.

Published on: 25.08.2024

Episode #1 | Conviviality as Potentiality in South Africa | 9–13/10/2023

Episode #1 (Season 2): Conviviality as Potentiality in South Africa presents a guided tour through the District Six Museum, discussing the history of the neighborhood in Cape Town, South Africa, known as District Six. Under apartheid system, District Six was marked by a forcible removal of the entire racially mixed community. 

The recordings for this episode were produced during the research exchange in Cape Town, South Africa, from October 9 to 13, 2023.

Podcast conceived and realized by the arts- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality. Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Convivial Epistemologies is a multi-part series of podcasts produced by the art- and theory-based research project Conviviality as Potentiality.

Published on: 10.04.2024

The podcast series Vocabulary of Conviviality develops a new shared epistemological foundation to achieve convivial practises of living together. How can we learn to live together? What kinds of vocabularies create potentials for conviviality? We are looking for words, tools, modes, strategies, knowledge and organisational mechanisms that help lived communities create a sense of belonging and connect people from different communities.

Episode #6 | Rebellious Performativity | 29/10/2022

Episode #6 is part of the Vocabulary of Conviviality podcast series, which is an experimental and fictional docu-research. Episode #6 is on care-interweaving and connecting struggles. WISSENSLABOR 22 was a day that brought together carers, allies and all those working for better living conditions in care work.

The recordings for this episode were produced during the WISSENSLABOR 22, organised by maiz and collectively within the framework of the University of the Ignorat_innen, that took place at the University of Arts Linz on 29 October 2022.

Produced by the arts and theory-based research project “Conviviality as Potentiality.” Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Recordings, editing and post-production: “Conviviality as Potentiality” team (Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek, and Sophie Uitz)

Jingle for Podcast series Vocabulary of Conviviality (2021/2022) by Antye Greie-Ripatti, 2021. AGF ✸ poemproducer ✸ Antye Greie-Ripatti antyegreie.com

Published on: 28.02.2023

Episode #5 | Representation | 10–16/10/2022

This episode was produced in collaboration with Salam Oida!

Episode #5 is part of the Vocabulary of Conviviality podcast series, which is an experimental and fictional docu-research. Episode #5 is on Muslim*Contemporary, a multidisciplinary, participatory and dialogical festival that aims to reflect on the importance of Muslim communities’ participation in society and creates spaces where important social discourses can be reflected and negotiated through representation.

The recordings for this episode were produced during the second edition of Muslim*Contemporary project that took place at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and other venues, from 10 to 16 October 2022.

Produced by the arts and theory-based research project “Conviviality as Potentiality.” Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Recordings, editing and post-production: “Conviviality as Potentiality” team (Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek, and Sophie Uitz). The podcast was created in collaboration with Salam Oida.

Jingle for Podcast series Vocabulary of Conviviality (2021/2022) by Antye Greie-Ripatti, 2021. AGF ✸ poemproducer ✸ Antye Greie-Ripatti antyegreie.com

Published on: 28.01.2023

Episode #4 | Vocabulary | 30/06 3/07/2022

Episode #4 is part of the Vocabulary of Conviviality podcast series, which is an experimental and fictional docu-research. Episode #4 is on the vocabulary and terms associated with the letter S.

The recordings for this episode were produced during the FESTIVAL OF VOCABULARIES LIFE, part of the research project “Smashing Wor(l)ds: Cultural Practices for Re/imagining & Un/learning Vocabularies,” which took place at the belvedere 21 from June 30 to July 3, 2022. We thank all artists, participants and visitors of the festival. All named positions retain their full copyright rights. We thank them for enabling us to mediate their thoughts and works. No part of this episode may be used without acknowledging their copyrights.

Produced by the arts and theory-based research project “Conviviality as Potentiality.” Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Recordings, editing and post-production: “Conviviality as Potentiality” team (Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek, and Sophie Uitz).

Jingle for Podcast series Vocabulary of Conviviality (2021/2022) by Antye Greie-Ripatti, 2021. AGF ✸ poemproducer ✸ Antye Greie-Ripatti antyegreie.com

Published on: 23.09.2022

Episode #3 | Life | 22/09/2021

Episode #3 is part of the Vocabulary of Conviviality podcast series, which is an experimental and fictional docu-research. Episode #3 is about the Zapatista* and indigenous delegates* on their now incessant “Tour for Life.” They have come from Mexico to Europe to tell the world what is happening in their territories and in their country through the capitalist system and want to connect with the European grassroots movement, people and groups acting from below and to the left.

The recordings for this episode were produced on September 22, 2021, at Vienna Airport, during the arrival of a delegation of women from the National Indigenous Congress (CNI), the Indigenous Government Council (CIG), and representatives of the Peoples’ Front in Defense of the Land and Water of Puebla, Morelos and Tlaxcala (FPDTA), who have joined the Zapatistas on the journey for life.

Produced by the arts and theory-based research project “Conviviality as Potentiality.” Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Recordings, editing and post-production: “Conviviality as Potentiality” team (Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek, and Sophie Uitz)

Jingle for Podcast series Vocabulary of Conviviality (2021/2022) by Antye Greie-Ripatti, 2021.

We used a commissioned score on numbers by | AGF | AGF ✸ poemproducer ✸ Antye Greie-Ripatti antyegreie.com

Published on: 27.02.2022

Episode #2 | Community | 812/11/2021

Episode #2 is part of the Vocabulary of Conviviality podcast series, which is an experimental and fictional docu-research. Episode #2 is on the potential of Muslim community in Austria. Their imagination, cultural production, artistic invention and the construction of social spaces. It also raises awareness about current Islamophobic tendencies in Austria and Europe.

The recordings for this episode were produced during the Muslim Contemporary project, which took place at the Prospekthof Atelierhaus of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna from 8 to 12 November 2021. We thank all participants and visitors of the Muslim Contemporary project.

Produced by the arts and theory-based research project “Conviviality as Potentiality.” Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Recordings, editing and post-production: “Conviviality as Potentiality” team (Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek, and Sophie Uitz)

Jingle for Podcast series Vocabulary of Conviviality (2021/2022) by Antye Greie-Ripatti, 2021.

Used music scores in Episode #2 “Community”: Abundantia [Roman] | AGF |  AGF ✸ poemproducer ✸ Antye Greie-Ripatti antyegreie.com

Published on: 22.02.2022

Episode #1 | Words | 25–26/06/2021

Episode #1 is part of the Vocabulary of Conviviality podcast series, which is an experimental and fictional docu-research. Episode #1 is on the potential of plural languages and experiences for building future communities of resistance under and against neoliberal global capitalism.

The recordings for this episode were produced during the Smashing Wor(l)ds Performative Summer Camp that took place at Stadtfarm in Vienna (Austria), 25–26 June 2021. We thank all the participants and attendees of the Smashing Wor(l)ds Performative Summer Camp.

Produced by the arts and theory-based research project “Conviviality as Potentiality.” Funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (AR 679) and based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Recordings, editing and post-production: “Conviviality as Potentiality” team (Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek, and Sophie Uitz)

Jingle for Podcast series Vocabulary of Conviviality (2021/2022) by Antye Greie-Ripatti, 2021.

Used music scores in Episode #1 “Words”: Letters Make No Meaning (Weapons No War Germs No Disease) I | AGF | AGF ✸ poemproducer ✸ Antye Greie-Ripatti antyegreie.com

Published on: 18.10.2021