HYBRID SEMINAR: Invited lecture by Prof. Marina Gržinić at Miranda House, University of Delhi, India 12/09/2024

WHERE: Centre for Global Research and Advancement in Social Studies (CGRASS) at Miranda House, University of Delhi, India WHEN: September 12, 2024, at 1:00 PM (Indian Standard Time)[9:30 AM in Vienna] FEMINISMS IN PLURAL, DECOLONIALITY, AND CONVIVIALITY   Invited lecture by Marina Gržinić  In this lecture, Marina Gržinić will talk about feminisms in the plural,… Continue reading HYBRID SEMINAR: Invited lecture by Prof. Marina Gržinić at Miranda House, University of Delhi, India 12/09/2024

INTERSECTIONS OF CONVIVIALITY: VOICES OF COMMUNITIES FORUM 1: Marginalized Voices at the Forefront! Speaking up, Speaking out! 14/06/2024

WHEN: Friday, June 14, 2024, 10:00–21:00 WHERE: Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna, Freudplatz 3, E.603, 6th Floor, 1020 Vienna; Research Centre IFIME Open to all, registration is obligatory: m.grzinic@akbild.ac.at Introduction The forum “Intersections of Conviviality: Voices of Communities” examines conviviality as a potential within diverse communities within the neoliberal European landscape of Austria, the EU,… Continue reading INTERSECTIONS OF CONVIVIALITY: VOICES OF COMMUNITIES FORUM 1: Marginalized Voices at the Forefront! Speaking up, Speaking out! 14/06/2024

RESEARCH EXCHANGE SOUTH AFRICA: Coming to Vienna 3-8/06/2024

CONVIVIALITY IN PRACTICE:Lecture, workshop, discussion, conference.Vienna, June 3-8, 2024 With our project, we focus on the potentiality of conviviality by expanding our field of research to the outside of Europe and engaging in co-creative processes with artists and researchers from non-European territories. From June 3-8, 2024, Thabang Monoa is visiting us in Vienna as part… Continue reading RESEARCH EXCHANGE SOUTH AFRICA: Coming to Vienna 3-8/06/2024

practice chaos 20-24/05/2024

BIP program in Mainz, Germany, May 20–24, 2024 Taking part in Mainz BIP exchange from Vienna, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna: Asma Aiad; Jupiter Rhea Braun; Lukas Brunner; Persy-Lowis Bulayumi; Mariya Dmitrieva; Pramila Lama;Finn Mühl; Ertugrul Özbayraktar; Valentin Pfenniger; Fedor Shmelkin; Tatiana Sukhareva As part of an ongoing Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP) initiated by… Continue reading practice chaos 20-24/05/2024

embracing the internal south 13/05/2024

EMBRACING THE INTERNAL SOUTH: EMPOWERMENT IN MARGINALISED COMMUNITIES, SALAM OIDA AND ZARA (ZIVILCOURAGE & ANTI-RASSISMUS-ARBEIT) WHEN: 13. 05. 2024 from 18:00 to 20:00 WHERE: Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien, 1OG Atelier Süd (M1) Talk by Salam Oida Collective: Ines Mahmoud & Imen Bousnina (www.salamoida.at)ZARA –  Zivilcourage & Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit: Amina El-Gamal (www.zara.or.at) Part of the lecture… Continue reading embracing the internal south 13/05/2024

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travesti wanderings and other migrations 30/04/2024

TRAVESTI WANDERINGS AND OTHER MIGRATIONScommunity event with two remarkable positions: Frau Diamanda & Pêdra Costa WHEN: 30. 04. 2024 at 18.00 WHERE: WOHLMUT, Wohlmutstraße 4, 1020 Wien Travesti Wanderings and Other Migrations is a creative exploration and artistic journey that delves into the complexities of travesti, sexual dissidence, history, knowledge, work, migration, and coloniality.  A… Continue reading travesti wanderings and other migrations 30/04/2024

RESEARCH EXCHANGE AUSTRALIA: Coming to Vienna 15-20/04/2024

CONVIVIALITY IN PRACTICE:Lecture, workshop, discussion, panel.Vienna, April 15-20, 2024 With our project, we focus on the potentiality of conviviality by expanding our field of research to the outside of Europe and engaging in co-creative processes with artists andresearchers from non-European territories. From April 15-20, 2024, Suvendrini Perera and Joseph Pugliese arevisiting us in Vienna as… Continue reading RESEARCH EXCHANGE AUSTRALIA: Coming to Vienna 15-20/04/2024

ZOOM-TALK: Aktivismus und Communities, mit Henrie Dennis / Afro Rainbow Austria (ARA) 13/02/2024

Aktivismus und Communities Dienstag, 13.2.2024 um 18:00 Uhr Ein Gespräch mit Mag.art Henrie Dennis von Afro Rainbow Austria (ARA) über institutionellen Rassismus, Aktivismus und Communities. Online via Zoom: https://akbild-ac-at.zoom.us/j/63037783912Meeting ID: 630 3778 3912 Nach der Veröffentlichung des Buches “Civil Society Reimagined. Citizens’ Memories and Imaginaries: Democratic Citizenship” (herausgegeben von Marina Gržinić, Sophie Uitz, Jovita Pristovšek , München:… Continue reading ZOOM-TALK: Aktivismus und Communities, mit Henrie Dennis / Afro Rainbow Austria (ARA) 13/02/2024

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LECTURES on Borders and Migration, by Claudia Tazreiter and Joshua Simon 18/01/2024

WHEN: January 18, 2024 WHERE: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Art and Intervention | Concept Lectures by Claudia Tazreiter, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden and Joshua Simon. Part of the lecture series Conviviality & Criticality through Contemporary Art and Fashion. Learning from the South, organized by the Institute for Art Teaching and Art and Intervention | Concept.… Continue reading LECTURES on Borders and Migration, by Claudia Tazreiter and Joshua Simon 18/01/2024

Categorized as lecture